Hotel Landhaus Luttum

Hall for ceremonies, celebrations and events

We can establish our facilities flexibly. For example, for your meeting with up to 20- or your birthday with up to 120 people.

Similarly, we decorate for the occasion: discreet for your funeral, colorful for your summer party.

And of course we host our own celebrations:

Kohl- und Spargelbälle | Landhaus Luttum Kohl- und Spargelbälle
    (Cabbage and asparagus ball)

Weihnachtsessen | Landhaus Luttum Weihnachtsessen
    (Christmas dinner)

Silvesterparty | Landhaus Luttum Silvesterparty
    (New years ball)

Luttumer Rocknacht | Landhaus Luttum Luttumer Rocknacht
    (Rock night of (the town of) Luttum)


Kohl-Ball at the 27th of Feb. 2016

From 18.00 h - 24.00 h

Grünkohl satt mit Kassler, Bauchfleisch, Rauchenden, Pinkel und Salzkartoffeln
Inklusive Getränken und DJ

Just 42,50 €

Hotel Landhaus Luttum

All the dishes of our menu are also available as takeaways

1 Tomato – mozzarella - salad 6,90 € 7 Two spare ribs with baguette and herb butter 13,90 €
2 Currywurst mit Pommes | Grilled sausage with spicy tomato-curry-sauce with fries 5,50 € 8 Nine chicken wings with fries 8,90 €
3 Shashlik with fries 6,50 € 9 Grillhähnchen | 1/2 rotisserie chicken with fries 9,90 €
4 Schnitzel with mushrooms | With fries 11,90 € 10 Pizza | Tomato and cheese 7,50 €
5 Bauernfrikadelle | Farmers style rissole with 2 fried eggs and fries 7,90 € 11 Pizza | Tomato, salami , cooked ham, peppers, cheese 9,90 €
6 Schweinehaxen | Two pork hock (ca 175 g) in a bed of sauerkraut and boiled potatoes 14,90 € 12 Pizza | Tomato, tuna, cheese, onions 9,90 €

Pizza | Landhaus Luttum PIZZA
Diameter about 25 cm (9.8") ∅